blogging for lead generation
Blogging as a Tool of Lead Generation
When you are talking about online lead generation and trying to figure out how can we improve the lead generation process, the first and foremost thought that comes to the mind of marketeers is blogging. The role of blogs is...
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Advantages of Backlinks
Advantages of Back-links
Backlinking is a highly underrated yet powerful way of alleviating the reach of your brand. There are not many digital marketing services which help you with link building, as most people are not familiar with the jargon like link juice,...
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Tips on Black Friday for Social Media campaign
5 Tips for an outstanding Black Friday Social Media Campaign
Black Friday is the biggest carnival for shoppers! With a humongous potential to boost sales and drive profits, it is not surprising that most brands spearhead a strong social media strategy to promote the Black Friday deals as they scramble...
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Boost Marketing Campaigns
Interactive Content to Boost Marketing Campaigns
Gone are the days when long paragraphs and essays struck a chord with the audience. In the modern context, short and sweet is the next big thing when it comes to content. The attention span of people has reduced significantly...
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Digital Marketing Rules
9 Myths about Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing, a concept that evolved as a result of technological advancement, has always been enveloped by myths and rumours. These misconceptions have often led to businesses shying away from digital media and so, many entrepreneurs are missing out on...
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copy writing Vs Content Writing
What is the difference between Copy Writing and Content Writing?
With the advent of digital marketing, the fine lines between various traditional marketing concepts have fast started blurring. The aspect of using communication for marketing has perhaps seen the maximum amount of confusion and change with the changing technology. While it...
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digital marketing stunts 2
Digital Don’ts- Avoid Digital Marketing Stunts
Digital Marketing has evolved significantly since its birth more than two decades ago, and what worked a few years back might not work anymore. It is important you assess your digital marketing efforts and strategies and make sure you’re using...
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Brand Identity | Awrange
How To Raise Brand Awareness
Thinking of some quality product branding, knowing what your brand means and understanding how to present it to the world are unfortunately, the very few first steps towards creating a brand. A brand only means something if it’s recognized by...
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5-things-to-remember-when-building-a-presentation-for-a-client (1)
Things to Remember When You Are Building a Presentation for Your Client
Every client looks forward to three things when you present yourself to them- who you are as a company, what you can do to improve their business and how you can do that. You should always keep in mind that...
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How does Bitcoin Works
The Basics Of Blockchain And Cryptocurrency
By now, most people have heard the word ‘Bitcoin’; however, they do not know what it is or how it works. For those without any essential knowledge or experience, ‘cryptocurrency’, ‘Bitcoin’, ‘blockchain technology’, all refer to the same thing- something...
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