Why is your business card important?

Business cards still matter because our memory sucks. How many times have you met someone, spent most of the conversation thinking of what to say so you don’t sound stupid, then promptly forget their name when it’s all over? A business card is a road map to opportunity. It could lead you to a great new job, a great business partnership, or simply help your business make money. Think of a situation where you you’ve got your networking pants on and you’re looking to benefit your business by making contacts. Suddenly, you notice someone that could be a potential client. What do you do? You introduce yourself and describe what you do, but at some point, you’ll need to hand off your contact information. A business card saves you time and makes you look professional. Your business card is a physical object that potential clients can take with them that keeps you or your brand from just being a name that floats around in the ether.

Business cards are cheap, portable, and easy to give away, so there’s no reason not to have one. Even with email, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, people expect you to have a business card. It shows professionalism and it demonstrates that you care. In a sense, business cards are a way for you to say, “I belong here, I know what I’m doing, and you should consider me a factor.” They are a paper handshake that instantly gives whoever you meet everything they need to know in order to do business with you.

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